Two-tier health care
So I purpose we change the collection system slightly (on the government side). Every year at income tax time we should have a breakdown of our tax burden. So when you go to figure out how much you pay you would have the big ticket items paid directly (like on a credit card statement). For instance:
210 Health care .... 8.6% __what you pay here______
211 Private health care deduction .... 40% of the 8.6 amount in line 211
so you'd still be paying 60% of the health care cost to the federal plan. In the end you would be paying the same percentage but the deductions would be directly on the service not general revenues. This would also then inform everyone what (mostly) we are paying for. Also it would help during election time since we'd know where the money would come from. For instance when one party says we'd put more money into the military they would have to say they would either increase the military tax rate or divert funds from other revenues, but since it isn't just a big pot of money we can watch our money better. Obviously there would be a general category that would include all the smaller things and the danger is watching that unearmarked money.
This would pave the way for more two tier systems like education. The previous discussions about privatization of education has finally made sense to me. Mostly because I feel the only way parents will acre what there kids are doing in school if they pay some of it directly, except those who can't afford it. The libertarian arguments of private schools partially funded by the gov I agree with. It will most likely be a better system and encourage better education. But to ensure that everyone can go we'd need to know how much we are subsidizing the system and how much we are saving/spending. The main idea for education would be to have the parents pay the education tax directly to the school making a more free-market system (and getting those benefits) and getting the benefit of making parents more involved since they now realize they are dishing out hard cash.
This is still an infant idea so be gentle.