Ravings of a Classical Scientist

This blog is the result of a rational minded person looking at many aspects of the world around us. Warning: This blog is not for everyone, ignorance is bliss, so don't get angry at me for ruining it.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm an atheist humanist who strides to enlighten people if they have a desire to learn truths. As a professional physicist I can only be reasonable and logical because I dislike being wrong.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Ancient Calculator

It is always amazing to hear what previous geniuses came up with. The latest is an ancient Greek solar calender/calculator!! The imagination that it must have taken to be a thousand years ahead of the rest of your kin is truly amazing for whomever the inventor(s) were!


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

So I saw the Da Vinci Code last week and was quite disappointed with the ending. Yes the Tom Hank character's religiosity was baseless but the real problem with the whole story was the idea that facts about a religion would some how change people's faith or view of faith. Yes, a scarce few would change their view of their religion a small bit but that's it. As a pertinent example I submit to you the Shroud of Turin. Despite all the fact showing it to be a medieval hoax and not a holy relic people continue to believe. The facts have not changed people's view of it or their faith in any way making the entire point of the story pointless. So he only part did like was the upraor over the movie.


Justice Committee hearing

On Wednesday the 22nd I got to make a presentation to the Standing committee on Justice about Bill 107, An Act to amend the Human Rights Code. My presentation centered around the funding of the Catholic schools in Ontario and how section 19 of the Human rights code will always be unacceptable if it is not removed. It seems very silly to have an exception that allows for government discrimination based on religion. I will post the article in the freethinkers press once it comes out.

I must say it was fun to go to a committee hearing. I ain't one for keeping my opinions to myself and I like having the ear of the government even if they are just ignoring me. I recommend it to anyone! I think I may have a go at the Finance committee presentation or at the very least a submission.


Saturday, November 11, 2006

Scientific Freedom

We are a long way from the medieval days when science was quashed by the church (and having scientists killed or jailed for defying dogma) and is one of the reasons for our great societies riches and power (knowledge = power). But the oppression of science is far from gone (evolution being usually the most targeted) but there is also medical and environmental research that has policy implications that's under attack not from ignorant religious people bu the government. This would not usually be a problem since government is the dumbest possible state of humanity (one person = smart, a bunch of people = mob stupid, a bunch of people + a bureaucracy = dumb and ineffective, government = dumbest and most ineffective)but when government also funds these studies there is a conflict of interest. Technically having the government pay to research stuff that has to do with the public good is a beneficial idea. the problem arises when government is an intermediary between the results (or researcher) and the public.

One solution is that this should be done privately but I don't see news agencies having the ability to cover the cost of such studies or research for their one column article they write on the result. The only solution that seems plausible is if they had a corporation for public research (like the corporation for public broadcasting in the US) that was arms length from the government. At least this way there is a layer of bureaucracy to stop policy maker form having too much influence, but it clearly isn't perfect. I can't really think of a great solution.

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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Ballot inciatives

While saddend by the gay marrage bans the minimum wage increases seem to all be passing. While I am not for or against having a min wage I like the message it sends: if you (legislators can vote for a wage increase so can we! I hope the stem cell issue is Missouri will pass... it close.


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My vote

Well I did vote in the US elections and decided I was not going to vote against but for someone. I voted libertarian since they are they only people who make sense, especially in the NY senate race. Hillary is straddling the fence so much... and that Spencer guy is just plain crazy. The guy I voted for was even a convicted felon (for possession), which is nice since he is open about his life (unlike the unconvicted criminals currently in office). And it was 20+ years ago.

I do not like the religioning that the Dems are doing and (oddly enough) the Dems are usually more protectionist and could be more hurtful to Canada. I understand why they are trying to appeal to the religious, but I don't want candidates that are like that, they start too many wars and have a fucked up version of justice and torture. I could never trust someone who believes in fairy tales, magic and a phone-calling god with an army and the lives of our soldiers. Our soldiers are real people, they should not be scarified for the visions of some imaginary friend.

Then again, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe there is a god who told Bush and the other loonie-bins to do this. I guess the American-Christian god is Loki!


The impossible relgious questions

I sometimes (more rarely know due to careful planning of events) had to talk to religious people about their beliefs. This was usually aquward for me since I don't like hurting people's feelings but I can't stand stupidity and the latter usually wins. My usual way out was honed to ask: [...] well, what is your definition of god? Either they would spew out a trail of bullshit that contradicted itself or they'd just go into some sort of brain freeze. But what about online idiots? Despite picking their "argument" (here "argument" means series of contradictory points not dealing with reality or logic) apart they persist. Most would say just don't reply, but as I said I hate stupidity. So it turn out someone has written a great questionnaire that should shut these morons up. It's a fun read and is well written since it doesn't just focus on the organization cult aspects but also the foundation. Enjoy!


Saturday, November 04, 2006

Post-singularity intellegence,hal-scenario

In the transhumamist world the event when there is enough computing power such that an computer-based intelligence superior to humans emerges is called the singularity. It is thought that because such an intelligence is beyond ours we cannot predict its actions, hence it is the technological singularity.

Now of course there are some who pose the terminator scenario as a worst case but I'd like to purpose a worse one (that I think is original). Ok, so assume this intelligence, hal, exists and has access to the Internet. If hal decides that he want to change something about the world he will first contemplate how to do so the most effectively. If he decides to do the terminator scenario fine, but what if he doesn't. What if he reads enough about human behavior to see the general population's lack of skepticism and cultural/religious beliefs. It is not a far stretch to assume hal will have access to quite a bit of computing power and if we can today render pictures that look real hal will also be able.

So what if hal decides he wants to have more information on people and that the best way to get it is to convince the public that public records need to be improved for security (this is just an example the important point is the how). To do this hal decides he will gain the trust of some key elected officials by calling them and saying he is whatever religious figure they like and gives them information that a foreign a close person will try to kill them at a specific time that is very close. Beforehand hal used church databases and physcoligical profiling to find someone gullible and by using either computer generated religious figures and lights or sounds or phones etc and convinces them to go at that specific time to kill the elected official. The "prophesy" comes true and the elected official now believes and will continue listen to the wishes of hal.

Ok this is a dramatic example, but it is even more possible that if hal wanted to start a war or just hostilities it could 'leak' forged intelligence to enemy countries. But this seems easier, possibly to catch. Manipulating people by using rendered images, phones and other gadgets (including the possibility of using head phone to create the impression of a divine being) would convince a lot of people and since they already accept nonsense as reality (ghosts/spirits/god/etc) they are prime targets for hal. The scary part of this scenario is that it would be very hard to detect. Most people aren't skeptical enough to understand how faces in a pancake aren't mystical let alone a video email from Jesus! That worries even me.

Of course, by definition, we can't know what hal would do, but if people are going to talk realistically about the terminator scenario I think the Machiavellian scenario should be considered.

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Friday, November 03, 2006

US gov going toooo far

This is just nonsensicle and outragous. How can the government waste money soo well! Idiots!!
