Ravings of a Classical Scientist

This blog is the result of a rational minded person looking at many aspects of the world around us. Warning: This blog is not for everyone, ignorance is bliss, so don't get angry at me for ruining it.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm an atheist humanist who strides to enlighten people if they have a desire to learn truths. As a professional physicist I can only be reasonable and logical because I dislike being wrong.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Why is Jesus so lazy or god so mean?

I like Easter, it is such an odd holiday even compared with most Christian things. Why? Because it says a lot about how Christians view the "world" in a very subtle way. I asked this question of my priest many years ago and got a very odd look: Why did it take Jesus three days to get resurrected? Now put aside modern knowledge about the universe and think about this as if it were real. Why would an all-power god who sent his son to die for man's sins wait three days? What was the hold up?

This says even when god is executing his very own plan he is non-responsive. What could be the hold up? There can't be something keeping him so he must have wanted it that way especially since Jesus wasn't healing himself since he shows everyone his wounds afterwards. The only lesson I can see is: god uses people as pawns.

I guess it is possible (in the story world) that Jesus just kept hitting the "snooze" button on his resurrection, after all it took him 30 years to start his divine preaching. And what's with the bunnies? Is that a hint to where Jesus was for the three days?


Thursday, March 20, 2008

A grand Saudi experiment

In this news post at sciam a really interesting project in Saudi Arabia is going to take place. The Saudi king is endowing a brand new university (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology or KAUST) with $10 billion dollars. But not only that, he is barring the moral police and allowing all the western freedoms on campus (women and men will both be admitted and share classrooms and (on campus) women can drive a car and may even be allowed to dress as non-ninjas. Also, the university is suppose to be completely autonomous with no government intervention. I think this is an experiment since for one thing in a theocracy how can some people be happy with all these restrictive laws but then fine to leave this university alone? Not to mention there is nothing more anti-religious than science. Of course the university is primarily focused on technology, not real basic science so that will help. But I wonder how many students from non-arab countries will want to go to a university in the heart of Saudi Arabia and more importantly how many professors. If this is successful, and the trend spills over to other wealthy arab countries in 20 years with a well educated based of people the culture war in these countries would make America's pale by comparison. This will be a grand experiment (although I wouldn't go for fear of what happens when your off campus) to *watch*.


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Noah's Arc: The story of mass murder you gotta love?

When people talk about the story (as opposed to what really happened) of Noah's Arc I can't help but wonder how this story of mass devastation and murder is a children's story. The flood not only killed adults ("the wicked") bu what about new born babies, puppies and other completely innocent people! You would think an all powerful all knowing god would be a little more surgical! So god kills every smiley happy baby, every little boy skipping stones on a pond and every little girl picking flowers in order to kill a few "wicked" adults. How people can celebrate this story I have not idea, it's simply sick.
