Christian News and General Irrationality
Sometimes when a story that as something to do with Christianity I read the some of the Christian news sites. They always make a great laugh! For instance this story about the discovery of Rameses II's first born. His remains are tell he was killed by blunt force trauma to the back of the head (I guess god likes to get his hands dirty sometimes :-)
But that's not what funny. In the article they talk about the interpretation of the bible and how there are disagreements on many issues. They go on to say that something's in the bible are figurative. They continue and say that their interpretations change as they learn more about the ancient languages it was written in, but then they can't say believe evidence over text! They basically say believe the bible until solid evidence is found contrary and then we'll change our interpretation of the bible!?! It amazes me how someone can follow a logical argument and still come up short of a logical answer because it's not what they believe!
The funniest news is "famed" atheist Antony Flew now believes in a deity... He's turning 82. Guess his mind's still intact, LOL!
But that's not what funny. In the article they talk about the interpretation of the bible and how there are disagreements on many issues. They go on to say that something's in the bible are figurative. They continue and say that their interpretations change as they learn more about the ancient languages it was written in, but then they can't say believe evidence over text! They basically say believe the bible until solid evidence is found contrary and then we'll change our interpretation of the bible!?! It amazes me how someone can follow a logical argument and still come up short of a logical answer because it's not what they believe!
The funniest news is "famed" atheist Antony Flew now believes in a deity... He's turning 82. Guess his mind's still intact, LOL!