There are others!!
I'm rather happy tonight. Two great things happened to me today. The first was when my visiting cousin, who is 100% Roman Catholic and has attended World Youth day in Rome and Toronto, heard stories about the activities of the American religious extremists (such as pharmacists not distributing the pill and Jerry Farwell's new group) and he laughed in disgust!! Whoof! This gives me hope since it implies that moderate religious people don't agree just because they are officially in the same religion.
The second thing was from NOW ,as always, which had an interview with Richard Dawkins. The central argument was the that evolution is a pivotal stone in education since it reinforces the fact that you must only believe in what the evidence tells you. The reason this made me soo happy is the few tidbits he pointed out. Approximately 90% of the American Academy of Science are atheists!! These are the top scientists in their field in the world! I always thought that since I knew soo little and was an atheist older, wiser, scientists would also be atheists. I'm not happy about being right, just about not being alone (relatively and [mostly] present company excluded :-). Roman Catholics are the world's largest individual religious sect, yet they are slightly outnumbered by secularists (source). It seems as affluence rises, so does atheism. Also we secularists (athiests included) are the majority world wide, that's Grrrrrr8!!
The second thing was from NOW ,as always, which had an interview with Richard Dawkins. The central argument was the that evolution is a pivotal stone in education since it reinforces the fact that you must only believe in what the evidence tells you. The reason this made me soo happy is the few tidbits he pointed out. Approximately 90% of the American Academy of Science are atheists!! These are the top scientists in their field in the world! I always thought that since I knew soo little and was an atheist older, wiser, scientists would also be atheists. I'm not happy about being right, just about not being alone (relatively and [mostly] present company excluded :-). Roman Catholics are the world's largest individual religious sect, yet they are slightly outnumbered by secularists (source). It seems as affluence rises, so does atheism. Also we secularists (athiests included) are the majority world wide, that's Grrrrrr8!!
while it is good that people can scoff at religios zealots, its still so odd that people are expected to be believers rather than atheists.
i was still weirded out by both candidates talking about how deeply their faith guides them. fuken weird shit. why do people choose a zealot instead of electing someone who lets facts, compassion and reason to guide them.
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