I've learned a little about the transition from Hebrews to Jews, specifically the Jewish revelation and it astounds me. While this happened in around 1000 B.C. for the enlightenment in the area (such as Babylon) the Jewish revelation really is far backwards and contorted "thinking."
So what is it? No it's not really monotheism. In a nutshell: You are Jewish if you have faith in Yehwah. On the surface this seems like monotheism is their revelation but I assure you it is not that simple. Before the Jews upto the dawn of civilization each city (which were very much like the Greek city-states) had a local deity. The deity was tied to the land the people were from so your god= your land (or "country"). When attacking another city the victors would often carry off the deity statues and paraphernalia of the conquered city as a trophy since they defeated the land and deity (they were one). Fast forward 2000+ years and the Hebrews face the problem of their leaders being deported to Babylon and so the people are separate. How can they remain the same people if they are no longer in geographic connection? Well, they say that Hebrews can be Jews as long as they believe in Yehwah even in other lands. But the other deities rule those other lands? So then Yehwah is the only god the others are local powers or something lesser or simply impostors. But the real kicker is the they take the tradition of the local deities being involved in human affairs and being right besides them (think of the deities as rationalizations of natural things they don't understand) and moved to the supernatural. This is where god gains his supernatural credentials, from the Jews. He is now outside of this world so he can't be stolen or captured by invading armies as is the case with other local deities.
This solves a lot of the political and defeatist problem the Hebrews were having (they were always losing to various other civilizations) since they could be defeated as Hebrews but not as Jews. But the price they paid is pretty astounding even for the time. They were forced the live with the inherit contradiction of a supernatural god who affects the natural but can't be affected by it (captured) and can through worship, sacrifice etc. Local deities clearly are in the lives of the people who worship them since it is the natural world around them so it is analogous to say the land provides them with the resources and production or to say the deity blesses them with resources and production. They Jews are forced to this difficult mental gymnastics of a supernatural god and clearly this didn't catch on well and is especially ironic that now to be Jewish you need to be born of a Jew so it went from land to creed to genes.
What is even sillier is the Christians then go (in one sense) backwards to making their deity earthly again by having a human version/component/avatar to their god. This makes the connection to the natural world stronger than the Jews and is more similar to the ancient local gods. The silly part is they have both a natural god (Jesus) and a supernatural and impersonal (god) and a supernatural and personal (holy spirit)!
So the way I see it while Judaism started around 3000 years ago it took 1300 years to sell the silly idea of the supernatural (something external from the natural as opposed to natural but powerful gods like Zeus and Thor) and the idea has clearly peaked and is loosing ground, but it may be another 1000 years before it is in the minority. What an oddity that after 1700 years of the silly supernatural contradiction, we are trying to move back to the local deities (now called countries or even just sports teams) since it makes more sense than the "revelation". Now that we have science to explain the natural world we can once again move to the natural world but this time without the "colorful" but wrong explanations for phenomenon (like lightning).
Labels: Religionish