Stronger voice against stupidity
I've noticed recently that Scientific American has had a much stronger tone in regards to some political issues and especially religion. I don't know whether this is backlash from all the negative public attack on science but I do agree wit it to a certain extent. It is important that scientists and other highly educated rational people mock and discredit the religious and other nonsensical people and their "ideas" so that others get the facts and it discourages the next person form spewing bullshit since he'll know he'll be called on it! But it is also a little annoying to read 3 articles relating the stupidity of intelligent design. But the alternative is ignoring the problem and assume it will go away. We all know it won't! So I guess it is better to have these redundant articles in the hopes of making sure the scientific position is crystal clear. After all we apparently aren't as numerous as we thought. If someone had told me that I would have wagered... and lost!
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