Myths of Health
No sooner then I start listening to my doctor do I find he is selling me snake oil. I've been measured to have elevated cholesterol (between normal and high) and told to do something about it. In a lot of places you find things about lowering cholesterol and its 'benefits.' For most of those years I ignored the doctors and said I felt fine (I was under 25 with no actual medical problems and still had well cut abs). Last year I decided to listen to my doctor and take steps to lower my cholesterol. No butter, low fat this and that, lean meats, olive oil etc. I had reasoned it was illogical not to eat a better diet since (presumably) my doctor was telling me these suggestions based on scientific facts. All the while I was wondering about a crucial question: "Elevated cholesterol compared to who?" Elevated is a comparative term and so what was the 'yard' stick they where using? I asked around to no avail. Last week I bough the Vol. 11 No.3 issue of Skeptic magazine and read the article "The Truth About Cholesterol" and was pissed!
Most of the articles talks about a book another doctor had wrote called "The Cholesterol Myths" and his brief work (that was published in a medical journal) on 'causal relations' with cholesterol. The simple examples where enough to deprogram my media-conditioned brain to be objective and scientific again. There are too many things to go into but it suffices to say that there is no statistically significant link between cholesterol and heart disease! In fact they really don't know what causes heart disease at all and most deaths due to heart disease are misdiagnosed since autopsies aren't always performed and heart disease is the default! Basically no medical scientist can say (based on actual evidence) that a junk food diet with a mulivitamin is any better than the fruits and vegetable diets being advocated (assuming the multivitamin is effectively absorbed and contains accurate representation of the vitamins). This really seems to be to much to be true (I can eat bacon), until you consider the latest review: obesity.
Yes the CDC (one of the only medical establishments where researchers can't line their pockets with private money, such as the diet industry worth ~43 billion) recently released a review article about the actual dangers of obesity and it basically says it ain't a problem. Obese people are just as likely to die from the same heath problems as non-obese people (with the exception of a possible link to diabetes, but it could be diabetes causes the obesity). Everything else is propaganda. The problem we have is there are smart people who believe strange things and are skilled at defending these beliefs.
Now what should I eat? Well I'm sticking with organic foods for the 'green' reasons and since I don't want to know what extra growth hormones/cannibalism/excessive antibiotics in my animal products or pesticides/insecticides will do to my body. Let the ignorant be the guinea pigs. I'll probably continue with my increased fruit/veggy diet since it will ensure proper vitamins, but no more low fat anything! I'm back on organic 2%, organic cheese etc... now what should I snack on ...
Most of the articles talks about a book another doctor had wrote called "The Cholesterol Myths" and his brief work (that was published in a medical journal) on 'causal relations' with cholesterol. The simple examples where enough to deprogram my media-conditioned brain to be objective and scientific again. There are too many things to go into but it suffices to say that there is no statistically significant link between cholesterol and heart disease! In fact they really don't know what causes heart disease at all and most deaths due to heart disease are misdiagnosed since autopsies aren't always performed and heart disease is the default! Basically no medical scientist can say (based on actual evidence) that a junk food diet with a mulivitamin is any better than the fruits and vegetable diets being advocated (assuming the multivitamin is effectively absorbed and contains accurate representation of the vitamins). This really seems to be to much to be true (I can eat bacon), until you consider the latest review: obesity.
Yes the CDC (one of the only medical establishments where researchers can't line their pockets with private money, such as the diet industry worth ~43 billion) recently released a review article about the actual dangers of obesity and it basically says it ain't a problem. Obese people are just as likely to die from the same heath problems as non-obese people (with the exception of a possible link to diabetes, but it could be diabetes causes the obesity). Everything else is propaganda. The problem we have is there are smart people who believe strange things and are skilled at defending these beliefs.
Now what should I eat? Well I'm sticking with organic foods for the 'green' reasons and since I don't want to know what extra growth hormones/cannibalism/excessive antibiotics in my animal products or pesticides/insecticides will do to my body. Let the ignorant be the guinea pigs. I'll probably continue with my increased fruit/veggy diet since it will ensure proper vitamins, but no more low fat anything! I'm back on organic 2%, organic cheese etc... now what should I snack on ...