Starchild's case
In the US a battle was on between parents and a 16-year old who wanted to stop chemotherapy to go on herbal/naturalistic medication instead. The government initially intervened and said he had to take the chemotherapy (see here). He recently worked out a deal where he "will be treated by an oncologist of his choice who is board-certified in radiation therapy and interested in alternative treatments." While I think his decision foolish I agree with the fact that he and his parents should be allowed to choose their therapy. It isn't impossible that chemotherapy was hurting/not helping and we should not be so arrogant as to force treatments on people. Personally though I would always side with whatever science has found the best results with, but that's an individual choice. If things go wrong at least he made the call and not someone else. But I am not optimistic about his chances and so we will see.
Labels: Science
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