Ravings of a Classical Scientist

This blog is the result of a rational minded person looking at many aspects of the world around us. Warning: This blog is not for everyone, ignorance is bliss, so don't get angry at me for ruining it.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm an atheist humanist who strides to enlighten people if they have a desire to learn truths. As a professional physicist I can only be reasonable and logical because I dislike being wrong.

Monday, July 24, 2006

When the science is not the question

In this news story the Virginia government has taken legal custody of a 16-year old in order to force him to get conventional cancer therapy. The youth sought out alternatives after his bout with conventional therapies. The state stepped in and a judge overturned his parents and his decision to go for alternative treatment.

While I am in no way a supporter of alternative or pseudoscience medicine I am a supporter of individuals freedoms. The boy (as I gather from the story) is not being pushed by his parents and is 16 not 8. The state should not be allowed to step-in in such a case. It is a violation of the parents rights and the teens. Yes, he will most likely suffer the consequences of his actions but it's his life and it's up to his parents to guide him. I would not have the same opinion if the boy was under 10-13 or so. The issue is not whether the science is right it is whether the state gets to decide for you what treatment to get. Hopefully they will get out of this and set a precedent for this to not happen again.



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