Ravings of a Classical Scientist

This blog is the result of a rational minded person looking at many aspects of the world around us. Warning: This blog is not for everyone, ignorance is bliss, so don't get angry at me for ruining it.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm an atheist humanist who strides to enlighten people if they have a desire to learn truths. As a professional physicist I can only be reasonable and logical because I dislike being wrong.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Why Religion oppose stem cells OR How to remove most of religion's power

Stem cells represent the most powerful medical technology since immunizations. Finally we will have the means to fix people not patch and drug. For this reason religion must fight against stem cells to the very end or lose most of it's influence. People as animals seek security from the world since many things try and kill you (bacteria, predators, diseases etc). Religion offers a comfort that there is a referee who may save you or will give you infinite rewards when you die. The first one is more powerful since no [functioning] biological entity wants to die. So religions helps people cope about death. But as has been happening in the last centuries science has started understanding the [real] world and is piecing together how and why things fall apart and how to fix them.

Increasingly people are less religious since is offering more and more salvation from harm. With stem cells suddenly science is given a parts factory for the human body. Praying to sacrificing animals makes people feel better when there is something they can't fix (like a severed spinal cord) but what is even better is the ability to fix these things! Why bother praying when you can go get fixed! When science offers real salvation (like saving a child from diseases) instead of magic words religion will lose it's influence in this area. This will leave religion for poverty, but with wealth (health insured) people losing religion less money will go to religion and it will starve.

So even though it is in the interest of removing suffering and helping the meek become strong religion must oppose it or be ready to evolve.



Blogger D.R.M. said...

I’m not sure if stem-cell research will cause the fall of religion. For almost two centuries, medical scientists have been developing cures and treatments. Still, religion persists onward.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Eddie said...

NOt the fall, but it will dilute its power further. Look at the influence loss over the last few hundred years as science has advanced.

But I doubt it will eliminate religion. Humans will likely always believe in some nonsense.

2:22 PM  

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