Ravings of a Classical Scientist

This blog is the result of a rational minded person looking at many aspects of the world around us. Warning: This blog is not for everyone, ignorance is bliss, so don't get angry at me for ruining it.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I'm an atheist humanist who strides to enlighten people if they have a desire to learn truths. As a professional physicist I can only be reasonable and logical because I dislike being wrong.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Why the Anglican schism great!

It is all but likely that the Anglican church will schism primarily over the issue of gay marriage/ordinations. But this schism is about much more. The reasons for the split is between those who view their religion as dogma with traditions and views set in stone for all time and those who think that their holy text is a product of its times. This is therefore a fundamental split and cannot be resolved for the same reason faith and reason cannot be.

Evangelicalism works well in convincing people because people will believe a big lie over a small one (as Hitler knew) and if you invalidate some part of tradition or the holy text why not the rest? The more reasonable will argue some of the text is allegorical and out of date and that it was not possible 300 years ago to say being gay is fine and get church members. They will say that science has shown some things to be false and so it is ok to question the text (but not too much). The rebuttal is by the dogma people who say then this could invalidate the entire holy text and make their religion a shame so they don't accept science (as with creationists).

Clearly the dogma people don't want to lose their phycological support system since they are not stable enough to question their entire religion so they will fight tooth and nail since their entire mental sanity is at stake, and who can blame them. But this schism has a very positive effect for the moderates and us freethinkers since this forces a debate within (a debate from us heretics is unlikely to ever have an influence) and once they schism there will be two opposite voices for the Anglicans. This will effectively eliminate their voices! It will also divide their resources making them less effective. What are the spoils? Well I can imagine this getting ride of one strong opposition voice to stem cells and that could potentially solve a large number of medical problems and revolutionize our lives!



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