The pope shows his ignorance
Wow!! Even after years of listening to what pope's have said this one still strikes me as particularly ignorant! Of course there is the usual everything in our society is evil and bad. But when he says, "There is a move to reinvent man kind, to modify the very grammar of life, as planned and willed by god. But to take god's place without being god, is insane arrogance a risky and dangerous venture," I am reminded of the saying, "it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt!" So basically those children born with chronic or severe birth defects are god's plan!?! He/she/it likes to watch young babies and children have a short and painful life! We are insanely arrogant for bringing health and life to these children!?! People really shouldn't speak about stuff they don't understand!
It was also funny to hear the head of the RC church make a reference to socialism, something they are proud of constantly fighting. But mostly I always get very agitated when people say something about things being better in the past!! This strikes me as the most idiotic uninformed statement possible. Obviously not everything has completely improved but we are MUCH better off than we once were. Even the poorest places in Africa are since we now communicate with then and send aid instead of letting them die (thanks to god's will) unheard of. If easter is a time of rebirth for the christians maybe they should try a new and less moronic tune.
It was also funny to hear the head of the RC church make a reference to socialism, something they are proud of constantly fighting. But mostly I always get very agitated when people say something about things being better in the past!! This strikes me as the most idiotic uninformed statement possible. Obviously not everything has completely improved but we are MUCH better off than we once were. Even the poorest places in Africa are since we now communicate with then and send aid instead of letting them die (thanks to god's will) unheard of. If easter is a time of rebirth for the christians maybe they should try a new and less moronic tune.
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