Expiry dates
Do they date these products so that the person with the weakest immune system or stomach can eat them on their last day? Some products like bread and cheese grow visible amount of mold after their expiry dates. But what about a lot of processed stuff? I've eaten plenty of expired almost anything and I still have no first hand definition of the words constipation or heart burn. I've eaten bowl of pasta (with hot peppers), pizza, eggs, steak, hamburgers etc well past midnight and I've never encountered any problems. Many people I know also have no problem. So I wonder where these standards are set. Clearly the amount of bacteria that will harm one person will be much different from what will harm another, so is it all just old wives tales? Oh well, now I'm hungry, pasta it is.
The thing with bread is if there is visible mold today, there was invisible sub-surface mold yesterday. What we see is just the fruiting body and not the intra-bread network of fungi. People are just wimps these days.
Does cord blood have an expiry date?
I've never heard of constipation or heartburn from food poisoning. More like vomiting and nausea.
Anyway, our stomach acid is there to kill bacteria so lightly spoiled food is not a problem for most people. Some people actually enjoy eating raw eggs (ugh!) and never get sick from it. Salmonella poisoning is a much bigger problem for those who don't have a lot of stomach acid - like the elderly and people who take acid blockers.
Not if you keep paying them to store your frozen cells!
According to my sister, who's studying food science, the "best before" date is how long the food is guaranteed to maintain it's quality. That's different from the expiry date, which is a safety thing.
Medicines and baby food have both expiry dates and best before dates, but most things will only have the best before date. The expiry date usually comes way after the best before date. So we have the answer: you've never had any health problems with expired food because it was only the quality guarantee that had expired.
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